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ENTREE/RICE-Daniel's Fried Rice
  1. subheading: FRIED RICE:
  2. Disclaimer: I never have measured anything except for the actual amount of rice I cook so a lot of the flavor is pretty much up to you to decide what you think tastes good. I give amounts that I think are close to what I used
  3. Make 2 dry cups of rice (yields a lot of rice) at least two days before you plan to eat it. You'll want it to have time to dry out before you fry it.
  4. Before you start make some pepper oil. Warm up around ¼ cup oil on the stove on low heat with a tablespoon or two of red pepper flakes in it. Stir it occasionally and wait until the oil starts to turn a little bit red. DON'T TURN IT ON HIGH OR THE PEPPER WILL BURN AND YOUR KITCHEN WILL SMELL BAD.
  5. subheading: Sauce:
  6. ½ cup soy sauce
  7. 3 tbsp sweet chili sauce
  8. 3 tbsp hoison sauce
  9. 3 tbsp Sriracha
  10. 2 tbsp oyster sauce (fish sauce will work if you have it and don't want to buy order sauce)
  11. 1 tbsp lime juice
  12. Vegetable are open to you but I use red cabbage, carrots, broccoli, and onion all chopped pretty small. About a cup of each or about 4 cups total.
  13. Step 1. Lightly saute the veggies in a bit of the pepper oil and a couple tablespoons of the sauce.
  14. Step 2. Scramble 4 to 6 eggs (you can use some of the pepper oil for this if you want).
  15. Step 3. Fry the rice in the remaining pepper oil and sauce on high heat. Make sure not to over stir the rice or it will get sticky and become mush.
  16. Step 4. Toss in the eggs and veggies.
  17. Step 5. Sprinkle with prayer.

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