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Chocolate roll

Chocolate coconut rolls
12-15 Marie biscuits
2 tsp sugar, powdered
2 tbsp cocoa powder
Few drops of milk.
Pulse the biscuits in the mixer.
Add powdered sugar and cocoa and mix well.
Gradually add milk to bind it into a dough.

The coconut layer
1/4 cup desiccated coconut
Condensed milk
Tutti fruity
Add tutti fruity to the desiccated coconut.
Adding condensed milk bind the coconut dough.

Roll out a big disc from the biscuit chocolate dough on a plastic mat.
On another mat roll a disc from the coconut dough.
Now place the coconut disc on top of the chocolate one.
Beginning from your side start rolling both the discs into a roll.
Wrap the roll into a cling wrap and freeze for 2-3 hours.
Remove and cut into slices.

Servings: 1

Servings: 1

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