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pão de queijo
  • 2 cups tapioca flour
  • ½ cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup whole milk
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 tsp salt
  • approximately 1 ½ to 2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese (or queijo fresco)
  • a bit of parmesan if you have it, but it is not essential
  • butter or vegetable oil cooking spray to coat your muffin tins
  • 1 large muffin tin or 2 small muffin tins
  1. Preheat the oven to 450 F
  2. Add the ingredients together in a blender (I try to get the liquids, eggs, and flour mixed a bit before adding the cheese, which I typically add during the blending process).
  3. Blend the ingredients until you've created a smooth and goopy concoction.
  4. Spray your muffin tins with cooking spray or paint melted butter onto the tins - evenly and liberally coat to make sure your bread doesn't stick. Fill your muffin tins about half way in each hole.
  5. Bake until your bread is golden brown - they'll puff a great deal, but use the color, not the height, as an indicator as to when they're done. 12 to 18 minutes.
  6. Remove immediately from your tins and snaaaack!
  • I usually buy a fresh block of buffalo mozzarella and grate it myself, but you do you - it's tough to mess up cheese.
  • If you mix seems a little thick then add a bit more milk - maybe half a cup. It might seem thick if you are closer to using 2 cups of cheese as opposed to 1 ½ cups. It should drip off a spoon, but it shouldn't look as thin as soup or as thick as many cake batters. Don't worry a great deal about the consistency. It'll be tasty.

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